Exploring Students

Exploring is the largest program on college campuses. By sheer numbers, more than 65% of American students are exploring—discovering and choosing among majors and career paths—during their college years. Carroll's Exploring Program aims to support you in that process. Academic advisors, faculty, and peer mentors will help you develop the skills of self-discovery—without wasting your time, money, or effort.

About the Program

If you have multiple interests and are struggling to fit them around a specific major, the Exploring Program may be a good fit for you! Our Exploring Program is an academic advising program designed to assist undecided students in selecting a major that suits their personal and academic goals.

As a student in this program, you will take the time you need to make informed decisions about your academic and career path as you prepare to choose a major. You will be supported as you engage in a series of intentional experiences designed to help you create a unique and meaningful undergraduate experience and choose a major that will lead to a satisfying and rewarding degree.

With more than 95 areas of study, starting your journey in the Exploring Program is a smart choice. We have many resources to help you test out your academic interests, connect with faculty and students in majors, and explore possible career paths

1+3 Exploring Sample Plans

Our 1+3 Exploring Sample Plans give you a roadmap to discover your interests, balance general education and major exploration, and stay on track for graduation.

View 1+3 Exploring Sample Plans

science student looking at liquid in a glass vessel

How The Program Works

Every Exploring Student who wants guidance in selecting a major will be assigned to Carroll’s Exploring Advisor, who will walk them through self-discovery and academic career discernment on the way to a major or academic area they are passionate about. They will help choose courses, navigate Carroll, and design the most beneficial academic and experiential path.

Individual Appointments

Your Exploring Advisor wants to know you and your interests, skills, values, and goals, and the best way to do that is through individual appointments! Exploring Students must meet with an advisor at least once each semester but are welcome to meet as many times as needed.

Strategic Scheduling

Carroll University has a General Education Core, or Pioneer Core, that gives students a broad foundation across many disciplines. It’s an opportunity to explore your interests across the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The PioCore can help you meet degree requirements while you explore major interests!


Typically, the exploring process starts with assessing yourself. Your hobbies, interests, skills, values, goals, strengths and weaknesses, and past academic experiences will help you understand yourself better. All of this information can be used to help you explore majors and find options that are best suited to your goals and style!

Exploring Roadmap

  • First Semester– Select PioCore courses and dive into your options with a Career and Major Exploration course!

    • CCS100: Cultural Seminar for Exploring Students – CCS100 is required for all incoming freshmen and is designed to support a student’s successful transition into Carroll University, as well as an introduction to cultural awareness and competency. This section of this course explores how cultural norms and attitudes shape people’s relationship with and understanding of work.

    • IDS100: Career and Major Exploration – This course helps students learn and apply career planning, goal setting, and networking strategies that can assist them in selecting a program of study and building networks that support their academic and professional aspirations. A hybrid pedagogical model combines in-person class instruction with self-directed exploratory activities through which students will explore the components that make up their unique vocational personalities and identify methods to nurture these through academic, co-curricular, and professional pursuits.

  • End of First Year– By the end of your first year, you should feel ready to make a confident decision about your major; if you are still undecided after completing your first year, you can continue to receive individualized support from your Exploring Advisor.

“I’d like to become a trainer for service and therapy dogs.”

— Britany Mueller '21

Read Britany's story

More Resources

Every Pioneer Needs Guides and Support

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